when will the karma shop be open?

the karma shop (/karmashop view) opens a few times a month. you can use the karma shop command to see when it is next scheduled to be opened. you can also join the official nypsi server, and give yourself the karma shop role, to be notified when it does open

my server does not qualify to track mentions

this means that your server is either too large (> 150,000 members), or the server owner has not used nypsi in a while. if you have too many members and want to use this feature, please contact me (@m.axz), otherwise, ask the server owner to do some commands.

how do i get vote reminders?

use the below command to open your notification settings. there will be a ‘vote reminders’ option for you to enable

/settings me notifications

how do i disable certain commands?

in order to disable a command, run the command below.

$disablecmd + <cmd>

to undo, type the following command:

$disablecmd - <cmd>

you can also enable slash command only mode, which allows you to customise which commands are allowed within your discord server settings

/settings server slash-only