if you’re a respectable person and use common sense, you should be fine
these rules apply to usage of the discord bot
‘cheating’, by automating commands, using a macro, multiple people on the same account etc. is not allowed. you will be banned and potentially have your profile reset.
including sharing of bugs/exploits is not allowed. you will be banned.
if you have found an exploit or potentially serious issue please contact @m.axz
trading things outside of nypsi is allowed, but at your own risk. it’s recommended to find a trusted middleman for this.
scamming is not allowed. if you have been scammed, dm nypsi with the following screenshots: trade agreement, the trade, and refusal.
the exception to this is gambling with other players, such as with coinflips and roll. this is not protected and at your own risk, if you don’t want to be scammed, use a middleman or use safe bets within your maxbet.
auctions are for selling items to players, not for transferring items between your accounts. there’s a command for that you imbecile.
creating auctions/offers with a ridiculous value with the intent to disrupt the value of a given item is not allowed.
this gives staff leniency to ban for things that may not necessarily be on here but are still deserving of a ban. generally, most people don’t ever get banned unless they break one of the above rules.
these rules apply to the official nypsi discord server only
you must follow discord’s terms of service. breaking these rules puts the server at risk, so you will be removed.
threatening to dox, ddos, swat or any other serious illegal activity is not allowed. joking about it is okay, assuming you are on very good terms with each other, but best to not at all.
continuous harassment and annoyance of other users is not allowed, this is annoying and childish behaviour.
again, this gives staff the leniancy to punish users when it is deserved but may not necessarily be one of the above rules. but as always, be a normal respectable person and you will have no problem. the server is relatively unmoderated and relaxed.